Friday, January 23, 2009

23 Jan 2009

It has been oscillating between rainy and sunny. Often blowing a gale at night, but peaceful in the morning. Britons complain that the grey winteriness gets them down, but happily I've never been prone to SAD (seasonal affective disorder - where one's mood is correlated to the amount of sunlight one is exposed to).

This morning has been one of triumphs. I tackled and overcame what I thought was going to be an intractable problem in getting my brand new modem to work with my Linux-based netbook. I've deposited a foreigh-currency cheque to be put into my brand new Barclays bank account (I'm a real person now), and I've just done a fundamental re-sort-through of my data and am now using Apple's 'Timemachine' to back it all up.

Now, at last, I can get on with work!